Baruya 人與鹽條 Baruya People and Salt Bars
新幾內亞的 Baruya 人住在內陸高地,他們種植特殊植物(薏苡)、從中提煉出鹽,製成一個個鹽條。鹽條可作為貨幣使用,跟其他部落購買斧頭、武器、珠貝、羽毛裝飾、有魔法的堅果、樹皮斗篷、配檳榔的石灰、或支付儀式專家的服務等。該照片中,製鹽者 Kandavatse(右下)與助手 Igrimeye 將待包裝的鹽條給備置妥當。
The Baruya people live in the highland of New Guinea. They plant and extract salt from a special plant (Coix gigantea) that they recast into salt bars to be used as currency, traded with other tribes in exchange for steel axes, weapons, mother-of-pearl shells, feather ornaments, magical nuts, bark wrappers, lime for chewing betel, or as payment to ritual specialists for services, etc. In this photo, the salt-maker Kandavatse (right) and assistant Igrimeye prepare salt bars to be wrapped.
Godelier, Maurice. 1977. Perspectives in Marxist Anthropology, pp. 138—140. New York : Cambridge University Press.