舊台幣及金圓券 Old Taiwan Dollar and Chinese Gold Yuan
巫文隆 Wen-Lung Wu
舊台幣及金圓券。舊台幣為 1946 至 1949 年間,中華民國政府於台灣所發行之地區法定貨幣。金圓券為中華民國於 1948 至 1949 年間所發行之法幣,目的在於為政府積累金銀儲備、取代惡性通膨貨幣。圖為中研院民族所「人類學家的錢包」特展展場實景。
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舊台幣及金圓券。舊台幣為 1946 至 1949 年間,中華民國政府於台灣所發行之地區法定貨幣。金圓券為中華民國於 1948 至 1949 年間所發行之法幣,目的在於為政府積累金銀儲備、取代惡性通膨貨幣。圖為中研院民族所「人類學家的錢包」特展展場實景。
Old Taiwan Dollar and Chinese Gold Yuan. The old Taiwan dollar was the regionally official currency issued by the Government of the Republic of China in Taiwan from 1946 to 1949. Issued by the Government of the Republic of China between 1948 to 1949, the Chinese gold yuan was an official currency which aimed at accumulating gold from citizens and replacing the former inflating currency. The photo shows the two currencies exhibited in the exhibition, "Anthropologists' Money Bag," by the Museum of the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica.