
《新約全書》1931年版內頁3-3 Hakka-language version of The New Testament, 1931 Edition (03)
《新約全書》1931年版內頁3-3 Hakka-language version of The New Testament, 1931 Edition (03)
曾福全 Thomas Tsang
上海聖書公會出版Publisher: Shanghai sheng shu gong hui
德客單詞對照辭典手稿-01 Manuscripts for the HAKKA-GERMAN DICTIONARY(01)
德客單詞對照辭典手稿-01 Manuscripts for the HAKKA-GERMAN DICTIONARY(01)
曾福全 Thomas Tsang
傳教士Klipper所主編的客語辭典手稿第三冊,內文以客語羅馬拼音單詞與德語相互對照The third volume of the Hakka Dictionary written in romanized Hakka and German, edited by Missioner G.
德客單詞對照辭典手稿-02 Manuscripts for the HAKKA-GERMAN DICTIONARY (02)
德客單詞對照辭典手稿-02 Manuscripts for the HAKKA-GERMAN DICTIONARY (02)
曾福全 Thomas Tsang
傳教士Klipper所主編的客語辭典手稿第三冊,內文以客語羅馬拼音單詞與德語相互對照The third volume of the Hakka Dictionary written in romanized Hakka and German, edited by Missioner G.
德客單詞對照辭典手稿-03 Manuscripts for the HAKKA-GERMAN DICTIONARY (03)
德客單詞對照辭典手稿-03 Manuscripts for the HAKKA-GERMAN DICTIONARY (03)
曾福全 Thomas Tsang
傳教士Klipper所主編的客語辭典手稿第三冊,內文以客語羅馬拼音單詞與德語相互對照The third volume of the Hakka Dictionary written in romanized Hakka and German, edited by Missioner G.
《聖經故事》1898年版 A 1898 edition of BIBLE STORIES, written in romanized colloquial Hakka-language.
《聖經故事》1898年版 A 1898 edition of BIBLE STORIES, written in romanized colloquial Hakka-language.
曾福全 Thomas Tsang
《頌主詩歌音調》1913年出版-01 Hakka-language HYMNAL COMPILATION, published in 1913 (01)
《頌主詩歌音調》1913年出版-01 Hakka-language HYMNAL COMPILATION, published in 1913 (01)
曾福全 Thomas Tsang
由廣東巴色巴陵禮賢會於1913年出版The HYMNAL COMPILATION was published by the Kwang-tung Basel and Berlin Chinese Rhenish Church in 1913
《頌主詩歌音調》1913年出版-02 Hakka-language HYMNAL COMPILATION, published in 1913 (02)
《頌主詩歌音調》1913年出版-02 Hakka-language HYMNAL COMPILATION, published in 1913 (02)
曾福全 Thomas Tsang
由廣東巴色巴陵禮賢會於1913年出版 The HYMNAL COMPILATION was published by the Kwang-tung Basel and Berlin Chinese Rhenish Church in 1913
施靈光 Paul Schüle
施靈光 Paul Schüle
北婆羅洲移民計畫後期的主要推手A key proponent of the Migration Schema in North Borneo.
亞庇麒麟團春節建堂籌款活動 A fundraising performance by the Jesselton Kirin Team, comprised of members of the Jesselton Church congregation
亞庇麒麟團春節建堂籌款活動 A fundraising performance by the Jesselton Kirin Team, comprised of members of the Jesselton Church congregation
為了籌款亞庇堂會的信徒組織成「亞庇麒麟團」表演募資The believers of Jesselton Church (now Kota Kinabalu Church) formed the Jesselton Kirin Team to perform and raise funds.
德客小字典 HAKKA-GERMAN DICTIONARY(Worterbuch Hakka-Deutsch)
德客小字典 HAKKA-GERMAN DICTIONARY(Worterbuch Hakka-Deutsch)
曾福全 Thomas Tsang
黎力基在任職期間,通過當地信徒的協助編寫《英客辭典》(WorterbuchHakka-Englisch)、《德客辭典》(Worterbuch Hakka-Deutsch) During Lechler's tenure, he wrote and published the Hakka-E
光緒二十六年兩廣總督頒布之《諭依照條約保護各國人民曉諭》 The 1900 "Announcement on the Protection of Foreigners " from the Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi.
光緒二十六年兩廣總督頒布之《諭依照條約保護各國人民曉諭》 The 1900 "Announcement on the Protection of Foreigners " from the Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi.
曾福全 Thomas Tsang
巴布亞新幾內亞珠母貝(kina) Neck-Ornament, Kina, in Papua New Guinea
巴布亞新幾內亞珠母貝(kina) Neck-Ornament, Kina, in Papua New Guinea
大英博物館(The British Museum)
彎月型、打磨過的珠母貝所製成的頸飾,貝體兩端有兩穿孔,右側穿孔已破裂,下方有一較小之鑽孔替代。纖維繩穿過兩孔作為頸飾的吊帶。由大英博物館民族誌部門 Michael David Peter O'Hanlon 博士於 1986 年購入。
羽毛錢 Feather Money
羽毛錢 Feather Money
大英博物館(The British Museum)
聖克魯茲(Santa Cruz)島民從深紅攝蜜鳥擷取紅色羽毛,以特殊技法黏編成捲,一捲 10 公尺長,製成羽毛錢。紅色的羽毛錢——tevau——綁縛在纖維裡襯上,蜷繞於樹皮製的芯卷,旁綴有串著種子的掛件。
新幾內亞人儀式中的紙鈔 Banknotes in a New Guinean Ritual
新幾內亞人儀式中的紙鈔 Banknotes in a New Guinean Ritual
大英博物館(The British Museum)
Andpang 部落的男人們聚集於支付聘禮的場合,切解處理過、肥肉露於最外側的豬肉擺放在地。人們身後是數根竹子製成的「錢柱」,上頭黏有擺放好的巴布亞新幾內亞官方紙鈔。照片攝於 1980 年 11 月 22 日,巴布亞新幾內亞的 Wahgi 山谷。
巴布亞新幾內亞人(Komblo)儀式中的紙鈔 Banknotes in a New Guinean Komblo People's Ritual
巴布亞新幾內亞人(Komblo)儀式中的紙鈔 Banknotes in a New Guinean Komblo People's Ritual
大英博物館(The British Museum)
Komblo 部落的 Kinden Kulam(身穿紅夾克者)在竹製「錢柱」 前發表演說,主持給 Omngar 部落母系親屬的報償儀式。Wahgi 人們傳統上會於生命各階段以儀式報償予母系親屬,母系親屬們被認為有能力影響他們姐妹後嗣的健康與順利。
野豬獠牙(萬那杜)  Boar tusk (Vanuatu)
野豬獠牙(萬那杜) Boar tusk (Vanuatu)
大英博物館(The British Museum)
成長為環狀的野豬獠牙,為萬那杜當地通行的貨幣之一。Pair of boar's tusks, grown into a circle. Boar's tusks are used as local currency in Vanuatu.
虔貞女校外觀 An exterior view of the Longheu Girls’ School
虔貞女校外觀 An exterior view of the Longheu Girls’ School
客語《頌主詩歌》扉頁 Title page from a Hakka-language hymnal.
客語《頌主詩歌》扉頁 Title page from a Hakka-language hymnal.
