所羅門群島貝珠項鍊 Shell Bead Necklace in the Solomon Islands
Shell bead necklace from the Solomon Islands, with the pattern of owner's name (Associate Research Professor Pei-yi Guo); presented in the exhibition "Anthropologists' Money Bag" of the Museum of the Institute of Ethnology.
全長 45.0 公分,寬 45.0 公分(PEI-YI 字樣區塊長 21.0 公分)
Total length: 45.0 cm; width: 45.0 cm; length of the name pattern (PEI-YI): 21.0 cm
Guo, Pei-yi. 2006. From Currency to Agency: Shell Money in Contemporary Langalanga, Solomon Islands. Asia-Pacific Forum. Vol. 31. No. 3, pp. 17—38.
郭佩宜,2008。協商貨幣:所羅門群島 Langalanga 人的動態貨幣界面。臺灣人類學刊6(2):89-132。[Guo, Pei-yi. 2008. Negotiating Currency: Dynamics of Currency Interfaces among the Langalanga, Solomon Islands. Taiwan Journal of Anthropology. Vol. 6, Issue 2, pp. 89–132.]