雅浦島石錢 Stone Money in Yap
石錢是雅浦島的重要傳統貨幣,當地語稱之為 rai。其直徑可達四公尺,中鑿圓孔以利搬運。雅浦石錢是島民遠航至 400 公里之遙的帛琉製成,再運回雅浦,作為財富與身分地位之象徵。本文物由鮑克蘭(Inez de Beauclair)於 1962 年自雅浦收購。
Stone money is an important traditional currency in Yap (Federated States of Micronesia) called "rai" by local people. In the hugest case, its diameter can be 4 meters with a chiseled hole that makes it more transportable. Yapese people mine for the stones by sailing over 400 kilometers to Palau, transporting them back to Yap as the symbol of wealth and prestige. This stone money was purchased by Inez de Beauclair in 1962 from Yap Island.
外徑 45.0 cm,內徑 12.0 cm,最高 4.5 cm
Diameter (outer): 45.0 cm; diameter (inner): 12.0 cm; height: 4.5 cm
de Beauclair, Inez. 1963. The Stone Money of Yap Island. Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnology, No. 16, pp. 147-161.