巴布亞新幾內亞人的珠母貝盾(kina moa) Papua New Guinean Kina Moa
巴布亞新幾內亞人配戴的鑲嵌著珠母貝的紅色圓盾(kina moa)。新幾內亞高地的許多社會傳統使用珠母貝(kina)作為儀式交換的珍品。歐洲人進入後大量從海邊輸入珠母貝,造成貝的通貨膨脹,於是貝在有些社會逐漸失去價值,歐洲貨幣取而代之。
Papua New Guineans wearing kina moa, a small, red-round shield inlaid a mother-of-pearl shell. Many societies in the highlands of New Guinea traditionally used prized mother-of-pearl shells, called kina, in ritual exchange. However, Europeans began large quantities of mother-of-pearl shells from coastal regions when they arrived in the area, causing the inflation of shells. Consequently, shells gradually lost their value and were replaced by European currencies in some societies.
Strathern, Andrew. 1978. Tambu and Kina: 'Profit', Exploitation and Reciprocity in Two New Guinea Ex- change Systems. Mankind. Vol. 11, Issue 3, pp. 253–264.