Tolai 人的貝珠錢(tambu) Tolai People's Shell Money (tambu)
新幾內亞的 Tolai 人持續使用傳統的貝珠錢(tambu),無論是用於教堂捐獻、繳交學費、或到商店購物。
The Tolai people in New Guinea have continued the use of their traditional shell money, tambu, in church contributions, in the payment of tuition fees, or in the purchase of products from shops.
Strathern, Andrew. 1978. Tambu and Kina: 'Profit', Exploitation and Reciprocity in Two New Guinea Ex- change Systems. Mankind. Vol. 11, Issue 3, pp. 253–264.
Gewertz, Deborah B. & Frederick K. Errington. 1995. Duelling Currencies in East New Britain: the Constructions of Shell Money as National Cultural Property. In Occidentalism: Images of the West, edited by James G. Carrier, pp. 161-191. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Errington, Frederic and Deborah Gewertz. 1995. Articulating Change in the “Last Unknown”. Boulder, CO: Westview.