
所羅門群島 Roviana 貝環  Shell Bracelet from Roviana, Solomon Islands.
所羅門群島 Roviana 貝環 Shell Bracelet from Roviana, Solomon Islands.
郭佩宜 Pei-yi Guo
所羅門群島 Roviana 貝環。A shell bracelet from Roviana in the Solomon Islands.
所羅門群島海豚牙齒貝珠項鍊 Necklace with Dolphin Teeth and Shell Beads from the Solomon Islands
所羅門群島海豚牙齒貝珠項鍊 Necklace with Dolphin Teeth and Shell Beads from the Solomon Islands
郭佩宜 Pei-yi Guo
動物牙齒在許多地方作為貨幣使用,例如鯨魚、海豚、狗的牙齒。圖為所羅門群島的海豚牙齒貝珠項鍊。Animal teeth was used as currency in many places, for example, the teeth of whales, dolphins, or dogs.
雅浦石錢車牌 Stone Money Designed License Plate in Yap
雅浦石錢車牌 Stone Money Designed License Plate in Yap
郭佩宜 Pei-yi Guo
所羅門群島貝珠錢與紙鈔 Shell Money and Banknotes in the Solomon Islands
所羅門群島貝珠錢與紙鈔 Shell Money and Banknotes in the Solomon Islands
郭佩宜 Pei-yi Guo
與國家貨幣所羅門元掛在一起的貝珠錢。許多傳統貨幣已經停止使用,但所羅門群島的 Langalanga 人至今仍持續製作貝珠錢。貝珠錢與國家貨幣可並行使用。
所羅門群島貝珠錢製作 Shell Money Production in the Solomon Islands
所羅門群島貝珠錢製作 Shell Money Production in the Solomon Islands
郭佩宜 Pei-yi Guo
貝珠錢製作過程: 1. u’uina:敲成適當大小之碎片(圖1) 2. safana:在石頭上磨平表面(圖2) 3. futana / ogana:在中間鑽上小孔(圖3) 4. parana:將 kee(黑色)貝珠放在熱石頭上,經化學反應變成橘棕色(圖4、5)
所羅門群島貝珠錢服飾 Shell Money Suits in the Solomon Islands
所羅門群島貝珠錢服飾 Shell Money Suits in the Solomon Islands
郭佩宜 Pei-yi Guo
所羅門群島島民穿著貝珠錢服飾。Islanders dress in shell money suits in the Solomon Islands.
貝珠錢的製作 Shell Money Production
貝珠錢的製作 Shell Money Production
郭佩宜 Pei-yi Guo
所羅門群島的 Langalanga 人使用不同種類的貝殼,製成貝珠,再依照不同地區、族群的喜好,將製作好的貝珠編串為不同的形式。圖為製作貝珠的鑽孔步驟 futana / ogana。
所羅門群島貝珠項鍊 Shell Bead Necklace in the Solomon Islands
所羅門群島貝珠項鍊 Shell Bead Necklace in the Solomon Islands
郭佩宜 Pei-yi Guo
雅浦石錢裝飾 Stone Money Designed Item in Yap
雅浦石錢裝飾 Stone Money Designed Item in Yap
郭佩宜 Pei-yi Guo
新娘貝珠服飾 Shell Money Clothing for the Bride
新娘貝珠服飾 Shell Money Clothing for the Bride
郭佩宜 Pei-yi Guo
雅浦貝幣(yar) Shell Money "yar" in Yap
雅浦貝幣(yar) Shell Money "yar" in Yap
郭佩宜 Pei-yi Guo
貝幣 yar,一種由珠母貝製成的雅浦貝幣。通行於雅浦(密克羅尼西亞聯邦)的貝殼貨幣,常見的有 yar 和 gau(經常串連鯨魚牙)兩種。 A "yar," a Yapese shell money threaded together with mother-of-pearl.
雅浦大型石錢 Stone Money in Yap
雅浦大型石錢 Stone Money in Yap
郭佩宜 Pei-yi Guo
雅浦貝幣(yar) Shell Money "yar" in Yap
雅浦貝幣(yar) Shell Money "yar" in Yap
郭佩宜 Pei-yi Guo
貝幣 yar,一種由珠母貝製成的雅浦貝幣。通行於雅浦(密克羅尼西亞聯邦)的貝殼貨幣,常見的有 yar 和 gau(經常串連鯨魚牙)兩種。A "yar," a Yapese shell money threaded together with mother-of-pearl.
雅浦貝幣(gau) Shell Money "gua" in Yap
雅浦貝幣(gau) Shell Money "gua" in Yap
郭佩宜 Pei-yi Guo
貝幣 gau,一種綴有鯨魚牙的雅浦貝幣。通行於雅浦(密克羅尼西亞聯邦)的貝殼貨幣,常見的有 yar(珠母貝)和 gau 兩種。A "gau," a Yapese shell money threaded together with whale teeth.